In 1995, Our Holy Father wrote in his encyclical, EVANGELIUM VITA, i.e., "The Gospel of LIfe," that "Human Life, as a gift of God, is sacred and inviolable. For this reason procured abortion and euthanasia are absolutely unacceptable. Not only must human life not be taken, but it must be protected with loving concern." (Evangelium Vita, 81) "Abortion and euthanasia are thus crimes which no human law can claim to legitimize...(T)here is a grave and clear obligation to oppose them..."
Now, on this weekend, we are called as a people of God, to bear witness to the sacredness of life. You are being asked to sign petitions calling upon the U.S. Senate to override the President's veto of the Partial-Birth Abortion Act. These petitions will be hand delivered to the Washington offices of Senators Dodd and Lieberman on Thrusday, January 22nd by Arch-diocesan delegates to the 1998 March For Life. Eighteen months ago, the U.S. Senate failed by only three votes to achieve the 2/3 majority needed to override the President's most recent veto of the Partial-Birth-Abortion Ban Act. We are close to success! We need you to sign the petition form!
Now, here at home in our State, at the capital in Hartford, our legislative bodies will be subjected to a new challenge. The Hemlock Society has engaged the services of a lobbyist, Betty Gallo, to convince our represenatives and state senators that Connecticut citizens should be allowed to have the alleged legal right to have assistance in terminating their lives. We expect the introduction of legislation in the first few months of 1998. We are certain that the inital legislative proposals will be the "soft sell" variety. Anyone opposing them wuld be considered "hard-hearted." DON'T BE FOOLED !!! Once any law is passed in Connecticut permitting doctor assisted suicide, the Hemlock Society will strive to expand that law until we have assisted suicide on demand.
As recently as last fall, this high-powered lobbyist, Betty Gallo, was giving away publicity hand-outs to our state senators amd represenatives. This was an indication that she and her staff are hard at work already!
The Hemlock Society's president, Derek Humphrey, has written on page 4 of his book, FINAL EXIT, "...if you wish to deliberately leave this world, then active euthanasia is your only avenue. Read on carefully. If you consider God the master of your fate, then read no further."
Mr. Humphrey has laid his cards on the table. This is a struggle between faith and atheism!
In targeting Connecticut, Humphrey feels we are easy opponents. our elected represenatives from our district will not be much help to us. Let's face it, it's up to us as a family of faith! God bless you!
Father William A. Bray, Saint Clare Church January 18, 1998