Cloning Information Website
Note: This site has not been updated since 2006

Healing Potential Discovered In Everyday Human Brain Cells - August 2006

UN Passes Declaration to Ban All Forms of Human Cloning - February 2005

Scientists Creating Animals that are Part Human - January 2005

Scientists Allowed Society to Believe Wrongly that
Stem Cells are Likely to Effectively Treat Alzheimer's - June 2004


Cloning Facts
(14 Articles)

(3 Articles)

Statements By
Medical Profession
(6 Articles)

(8 Articles)

(5 Articles)

Human/Animal Transgenics
(5 Article)

(3 Articles)

(10 Articles)

Organizations Against
(4 Articles)

Religious Statements/
(7 Articles)

Statements by Individuals/
(6 Articles)

Stem Cells
(7 Articles)

Other Contacts

Start Here for Introductory
Information on Cloning

Cloning Facts, including vocabulary, history, facts sheets, debate points, books, videos etc.

Statements By Medical Profession, including American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, C. Everett Koop, etc.

Medical Articles, including charts of poll data, physician issues, etc.

Legal Articles, including pending legislation, laws by state, congressional legislation, etc. Human/Animal Transgenics
USA Articles, including things happening with cloning legislation in the United States. World Articles, including cloning issues in individual countries and regions
Religious Statements/Articles, including Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish, Islamic, Interfaith Groups. Statements by Individuals, Nat Hentoff, Alan Keyes, and others.
Organizations Against Cloning, including The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, The Americans to Ban Cloning, etc. Stem Cells, both Embryonic and Adult

Ethical Questions

Other Contacts, links to your congressional representatives, newspaper letters to the editor, pro-life groups, citing Internet items, etc.

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