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"In the US state of Washington, where has enacted a law like Falconer's, over six in ten of those making use of it do so because they believe they are a "burden" on family, friends and caregivers. The law has removed the protection that vulnerable people currently have against the subtle coercion of relatives shouldering the care burden and anxiously eyeing a dwindling inheritance."
... Dr. Peter Saunders

"The word 'compassion' comes from the Latin root meaning 'to suffer with.' Assisted suicide kills a human being, but there is another victim. Our humanity -- the capacity to suffer with the most vulnerable members of our society -- dies as well."
... Dr. Jose A. Bufill, medical oncologist (USA Today; June 4, 2002)

The US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached by calling 800-273-8255. For those who don't want to speak to a counselor, there's also a national Crisis Text Line available 24/7 by texting "home" to 741741.