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"Everyone already lives in danger of dying at any time. Why would anyone want to add to that threat the danger of the government allowing other people to kill them when they are sick, mentally ill, depressed, disabled or otherwise vunerable?" ... . . . Internet commenter.

"Once euthanasia is legal, the only remaining question is who can be killed? Euthanasia cannot be controlled because there is always a compelling reason to kill people at the most vulnerable time of their life." . . . Alex Schadenberg.

"Once a society embraces killing as an answer to suffering, the 'suffering' that qualifies for termination never stops expanding. Since lethal-injection euthanasia became decriminalized - and then, formally legalized - the killable caste has expanded from the terminally ill, to the chronically ill, to people with disabilities, to babies born with serious medical conditions, to the mentally ill, etc., etc., etc." . . . Wesley J. Smith.

Elderly      Women      Children      Danger to the Vunerable     
People Stories      Early Netherlands Stories     


"Three elderly members of my summer parish in rural Quebec received a diagnosis of cancer at the local hospital . . . after the diagnosis had been delivered, the first question each of these people was asked was 'Do you wish to be euthanized?'" . . . writer George Weigel in 2016



  • "Gender-affirming" treatments don't benefit youth, says pediatricians group: "Irreversible consequences" (2024)
  • UK Judge Orders End of Treatment For Baby Even Though Italian Government Wants Custody (2023)
  • Netherlands Expands Euthanasia Laws To Include Terminally Ill Children As Young As 1 Year Old (2023)
  • The Netherlands Plans To Extend Euthanasia To Children (2023)
  • Children's Book Tries to Convince Kids That Euthanizing People is OK (2023)
  • Peter Singer: It's Okay to Euthanize Babies or Mentally Disabled People (2023)
  • Canadian Children May Be Euthanized With Or Without Parental Consent. (2023)
  • Canadian Children Are Indoctrinated (2022)
  • "Why Euthanasia For Children 'Mature Minors' Is Wrong" by Dr Ramona Coelho (2022)
  • Netherlands Health Minister Proposes Protocol for Euthanasia of Children Under 12 (2022)
  • Netherlands Group Opposes Termination Of Life For Children (Euthanasia) (2021)
  • Netherlands Government Intends To Extend Euthanasia To Children After The March Election (2021)
  • More Dutch Children to Die by Euthanasia (2020)
  • Petition: "I Oppose Extending Euthanasia to Include Children" (2018)
  • Children's Hospital Proposes Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children (2018)
  • Sick Kids Hospital Toronto Will Euthanize Children With Or Without Parental Consent (2018)
  • Doctors At Children's Hospital Lay Out Plans For Child Euthanasia (2018)
  • Will Assisted Suicide Of Children Come To The US? (2018)
  • Report: Three Children Euthanized in Belgium (2018)
  • Children Down as Young as Nine Euthanized in Belgium (2018)
  • Belgian 2017 Euthanasia Report. Deaths By Euthanasia Continue To Increase And Children Are Being Killed (2018)
  • Three Children Die After Belgium Approves Measure Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children (2018)
  • Professor Supports Euthanizing Disabled Children Because "Parents are Harmed Seeing Their Child Suffer" (2018)
  • Dutch Expert: Children May Be Pressured By Family Members To Die By Euthanasia (2015)
  • Dutch Pediatricians Want to Allow Doctors to Euthanize Children Under 12 Like Belgium Does (2015)
  • Russia to Ban Belgian Child Adoption Because It Allows the Euthanasia of Children (2014)
  • Belgian Pediatricians Oppose Measure Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children (2014)
  • Belgium's Pursuit of Euthanasia of Children Tells Sick Kids They're Inconvenient (2013)
  • Video: Culture of Death: Belgium Eyes Child Euthanasia (2013)
  • Belgium Considers Legalizing Euthanasia For Minors (2013)
  • If Belgium Legalizes Euthanasia for Children, Will Parents Talk It Up to Their Kids? (2013)
  • Insane Conversations: Talking to Children About Whether They Should Ask To Be Euthanised (2013)
  • Belgian Kids Get Death (2013)
  • Belgian Senate Passes Bill Permitting Doctors to Euthanize Children (2013)
  • Euthanasia for Children Is Wrong (2013)
  • Euthanasia in Belgium for Terminally Ill Kids? The Culture of Death Continues Its Grim March (2013)
  • Belgium's Senate Approves Highly Controversial Bill That Would Make Euthanasia Legal for Dying Children (2013)
  • Belgium: Senate Approves Measure Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children (2013)
  • Belgium Senate Committees Pass Bill To Allow Child Euthanasia (2013)
  • Belgian Senate Panel Approves Measure Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children (2013)
  • Belgian Senate Will Vote on Bill to Extend Euthanasia to Children with Disabilities on 26 November (2013)
  • Insane Conversations - talking to children about euthanasia (2013)
  • Report: Sick Babies Starved to Death Under Socialized Medicine in England (2012)
  • Disturbingly One-Sided TV Show Promotes Euthanizing Children with Disabilities (2012)
  • Doctor Advises Euthanasia for 23-Week Premature Babies (2011)
  • Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology to Debate Killing Babies (Is there a difference between withdrawing treatment and actively killing a baby?) (2006)
  • Dutch Doctors Hasten Deaths of Sick Children With Euthanasia (2005)
  • Assisted Suicide Pushed for Children (2004)
  • Dutch Euthanasia for Children Proposal Blasted by Vatican Official (2004)
  • Euthanasia Proposed for Children (June 2003)
  • Lawmakers Propose Euthanasia for Children (June 2003)
  • Belgium Euthanasia Law Takes Effect (September 2002)
  • Another Case of Child Euthanasia from European History


  • Bad Care Brings Euthanasia and Euthanasia Brings Bad Care (2024)
  • Roger Foley: A Passion to Live (2024)
  • Normalizing Assisted Suicide Will Lead to a Duty to Die (2024)
  • California Plans to Kill Terminal-Illness Requirement for Assisted Suicide (2024)
  • 28-year-old Book Blogger With Chronic Fatigue Gets Euthanized (2024)
  • Anita Cameron: Don't Be Fooled, Assisted Suicide IS Suicide (2023)
  • Some Poverty Stricken Canadians Opted For Assisted Death (2023)
  • Peter Singer: It's Okay to Euthanize Babies or Mentally Disabled People (2023)
  • Bioethicists: Euthanasia Okay for "Unjust Social Conditions" (2023)
  • NYT Op-Ed Pushes Assisted Suicide for the Mentally Ill (2023)
  • Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo Protects the Rights of Vunerable People (2023)
  • Half the Time Doctors Say Patients are in a "Vegetative State," They're Actually Wrong by Bobby Schindler (2023)
  • Proposed Regulation For Prescribing Controlled Substances Via Telemedicine (2023)
  • Man Changed His Mind About Euthanasia After Receiving A Wheelchair Lift (2022)
  • Sick in Canada? Just Kill Yourself! (2022)
  • British Nurse Charged With Serial Killing Of Newborns (2022)
  • Euthanasia by Advanced Directive - A Recipe For Abuse (2022)
  • Suicide Contagion (2022)
  • "Why Euthanasia For Children 'Mature Minors' Is Wrong" by Dr Ramona Coelho (2022)
  • Euthanasia Narratives Ignore The Most Vulnerable (2022)
  • Now, a California Bill to Permit Infant Death by Neglect (2022)
  • Profound Social Change With Euthanasia For Mental Illness (2022)
  • Assisted Suicide Lobby Admits That Assisted Suicide For Anorexia Violates The Law (2022)
  • Bioethicist Asks, "Does Birth Matter?" Answers, "No" (2022)
  • Maryland Bill: Would Legalize Murdering Baby the Mother Doesn't Want in the First 28 Days AFTER Birth (2022)
  • Hospital Loses "Futile Care" Attempt to Force Covid Patient Off Life Support (2022)
  • Bobby Schindler On Terri Schiavo, Protecting At-risk Persons, And True Healthcare (2021)
  • Baby's Parents Refuse to End Life Support, Lose Custody to State (2021)
  • Quebec Mother Wants Her 4-Year-Old Son To Die By Euthanasia (2021)
  • U.K. Government to End the Life of Two-Year-Old Jewish Girl (2021)
  • Suicide, Assisted Suicide, Disability Rights and FEN (2021)
  • A Personal Story: NO To Euthanasia For Mental Health Reasons (2021)
  • Canadian Rower Jessica Sevick Overcomes Severe Childhood Brain Injury To Become An Olympian (2021)
  • Long-Term Prognosis for Some Patients with Severe Brain Injury Better Than Expected (2021)
  • Loneliness and Isolation. Have You Called An Elderly Friend Or Family Member Today? (2021)
  • Don't Follow Canada… Don't Kill Your Disabled And Depressed Citizens - Dr Paul Saba (2021)
  • Netherlands Group Opposes Termination Of Life For Children (Euthanasia) (2021)
  • Sign And Share The Petition Opposing Child Euthanasia (2021)
  • Canadian Man Dies By Legal Asssited Suicide Amid "Disturbing" Living Conditions At Retirement Home (2021)
  • Dutch Doctors Can Now Drug Dementia Patients Before Killing Them to Prevent Resistance (2020)
  • Sign And Share The Petition Opposing Child Euthanasia (2020)
  • The Dutch Government Wants To Avoid The Debate By Permitting Child Euthanasia Without Changing The Law (2020)
  • Canada: The Five Year Review of MAiD: Will Parliament Do Its Job? (2020)
  • More Dutch Children to Die by Euthanasia (2020)
  • Child Euthanasia Comes to the Netherlands (2020)
  • Anita Cameron: Racial Disparities in the Age of COVID-19 (2020)
  • Nova Scotia Court Case About The Husband Who Was Approved For Euthanasia, But Is Not Terminal And May Be Delusional (2020)
  • Boy, 12, To Have Life-Support Withdrawn Against Parents' Wishes (2020)
  • Woman Dying Of Cancer Urges New Zealand To Vote NO To Euthanasia (2020)
  • Nova Scotia Woman Will Return To Court On September 24 To Prevent The Euthanasia Death Of Her Husband (2020)
  • At Last: An Anti-Assisted Suicide Speech at a Republican Convention (2020)
  • Dutch Court Rules Patients With Advanced Dementia Can Be Euthanised (2020)
  • Dutch Supreme Court Approves Euthanasia For Dementia Patients, Following Dispute (2020)
  • As the Threat of Triage Grows, Disability Rights Advocacy Is Needed More Than Ever (2020)
  • Applying HHS's Guidance for States and Health Care Providers on Avoiding Disability-Based Discrimination in Treatment Rationing (2020)
  • The Great White North's Triage Guidelines (2020)
  • Bobby Schindler: Remembering Terri on the 15-Year Anniversary of Her Death (2020)
  • Terri Schiavo, the Brain Injured and Church Teaching (2020)
  • Trudeau Government Removes Barriers To Suicide, Endangering Most Vulnerable (2020)
  • Assisted Suicide Laws Are Lethal Discrimination Against Old, Ill And Disabled People (2020)
  • Chinese Man Awakens After 5 Years Of Coma. His Wife Provided Total And Loving Care (2019)
  • Australian Civil Liberties Group Supports Child Euthanasia (2019)
  • CANADA Coming Soon: Legal Child Euthanasia (2018)
  • 11-year-old With Inoperable Brain Tumor Is Cured (2018)
  • Scientists Push Assisted Suicide For "Dignity" of Alzheimer's Patients (2018)
  • Euthanasia Horror Stories That Leftists Never Want You To Hear (2018)
  • Children's Hospital Proposes Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children (2018)
  • Sick Kids Hospital Toronto Will Euthanize Children With Or Without Parental Consent (2018)
  • The Assisted Suicide Bill Was Aimed At People Like My Husband (2018)
  • United Spinal's Jose Hernandez' Letter of Testimony Opposing NY A2383A (2018)
  • On a Slippery Slope, Canadian Hospital Unveils Physician-Assisted Suicide Plan for "Sick Kids" (2018)
  • Making Death Easier Makes Life Harder (2018)
  • Canada Laying Groundwork For Child Euthanasia (2018)
  • Report: Three Children Euthanized in Belgium (2018)
  • Twin Infants Die After Hospital Refuses To Save Them Despite Mother's Pleas (2018)
  • Media Ignores Plight of Alfie Evans Even as Pope Francis Intervenes (2018)
  • Alfie Evans' Father Says Vatican Hospital is "Ready to Take Alfie Immediately" (2018)
  • Euthanasia Assessor Resigns Over Euthanasia For Dementia In The Netherlands (2018) (2017)
  • Disabled Lives Are Worth Living - Euthanasia Implies Otherwise (2017)
  • Canada Legalized Euthanasia. Now Parents Are Asking Doctors To Kill Their Sick Kids (2017)
  • Candice Was Pressured to Kill Herself in an Assisted Suicide Because She Has Cerebral Palsy (2017)
  • Colorado's Prop 106 Sets Bad Example For Kids (2016)
  • Psychotherapist Relates the Chilling Story of How Her Disabled Patient Died (2016)
  • Euthanasia Activists Push Their Death Agenda at Disability Aging and Lifestyle Expo (2016)
  • A Second 'House of Horrors' Investigated (2016)
  • Child Euthanasia Center in Netherlands Expected to Open Soon Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children (2016)
  • Promoting Infanticide in Newsweek (2016)
  • Terri Schiavo's Brother: Know Your Rights and Know What You're Up Against (2016)
  • UCSF Professor: Abortion Survivors "Should Not Necessarily Receive" Medical Care (2016)
  • Legalizing Assisted Suicide in Colorado Would Threaten Disabled (2016)
  • Dr. Will Johnston: "My young adult patient became actively suicidal after watching a Brittany Maynard video." (2015)
  • Video: "Brain Dead" Son Saved By Armed Father; SWAT Team Doctors Determine Not Dead (2015)
  • The Insane Message Legalizing "Death with Dignity" Sends to the Suicidal (2015)
  • Pushing Validated Suicide in Palliative Care Journal (2015)
  • Dutch Expert: Children May Be Pressured By Family Members To Die By Euthanasia (2015)
  • Woman Who Blogged Against Assisted Suicide, Succumbs To Cancer (2015)
  • Assisted Suicide Helps Very Few, Endangers More (by a hospice and palliative medicine fellow at the University of California) (2015)
  • Nurse: Healthy 30-year-old Daughter Learned How to Kill Herself By Suicide/Assisted Suicide Websites and Reading Assisted Suicide Book (2015)
  • Video: Brain Cancer Patient Maggie Karner . . . "Assisted suicide puts people like me at risk" (2015)
  • Profoundly Disabled Woman Destroys the Argument for Assisted Suicide (2015)
  • Doctors Killed His Mom Because She Was Depressed (2015)
  • Stephen Hawking Has Been "Terminal" for 51 Years (2014)
  • Brittany Maynard Kills Herself - Should We Feel Relieved? (2014)
  • Ezekiel Emanuel, Presidential Advisor:"We Should All Die at 75" (2014)
  • I Lost My Daughter to Suicide: A Nurse's Response to Brittany Maynard's Decision to Kill Herself (2014)
  • Nurse Killed 38 Patients Because She Found Them "Annoying" (2014)
  • Nurse Convicted of Urging People to Commit Suicide While He Watched (2014)
  • Man Jailed For Encouraging Briton To Commit Suicide (2014)
  • Minnesota Court Reverses Conviction of Man With "Suicide Fetish" (2014)
  • Internet Predator Who Urged Midland Man To Commit Suicide Has Conviction Overturned (2014)

    "Only 5% of the individuals who have died by assisted suicide under Oregon's law were referred for psychiatric evaluation and this number is decreasing every year. Considering what we know about suicide risk factors, this constitutes a form of gross medical negligence." . . . . . . psychiatrist Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, director of the Program in Medical Ethics at the University of California Irvine. (2015)



    "... I have been diagnosed as imminently terminal three times since my accident. Each time, my lifespan was supposed to be measured in days. The difference is, all three times, every medical effort was made to save me. Physicians, insurance companies always thought that way.. They put the patient first an worried about the cost later. Adding legalized PAS (physician assisted suicide) in, could be the last building block in the destruction of that system. ... When the cost factor is added in, our odds get rapidly worse. With health care professionals being forced by insurance companies/bureaucracies to balance cutting costs against what's in the best interest of their patient, add in legalized PAS and the possibility of being offered a cheap end to your life as opposed to an astronomically expensive long term plan of treatment is all to real." ... from a statement by a man with a disability.

    "It was yet another attempt to show that the life of a disabled person has no value." ... wheelchair and ventilator-dependent author Jason Mitchener commenting on the movie "Million Dollar Baby."

    "Once the syringe-bearing genie is out of the bottle, who can say what homicidal wonders he may next perform?" ... Don Feder in A Jewish Conservative Looks at Pagan America.

  • The US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached by calling 800-273-8255. For those who don't want to speak to a counselor, there's also a national Crisis Text Line available 24/7 by texting "home" to 741741.